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Ein ‚arischer‘ Jesus als ‚jüdische‘ Erfindung?

Die (theologische) Debatte um den angeblich nicht-judischen Vater Jesu im Nationalsozialismus

Sven Günther

Pages 47 - 56

The article outlines the afterlife of the ancient discourse on the father of Jesus between Christians, Jews, and Pagans, especially, the reception of the so-called Panthera legend. In detail, the connection of the inscribed tombstone of the soldier Tiberius Iulius Abdes Pantera, found in Bingerbruck (Rhineland-Palatinate), with the Panthera legend in the nationalistic-antisemitic theological movement at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century to proof an ‘Arian’ Jesus is re-examined. Also, the exposure of this paradoxical use of, mainly, Jewish sources and arguments to show a non-Jewish descent of Jesus in a small review article of Hans Windisch in 1935 is analyzed. In fact, this review article does not reveal a kind of opposition to Nationalsocialistic Ideology but points to the ambiguity of theological research at this period, which, in the end, has put an end to this kind of ‘research’ in New Testament Studies in Germany. However, the interest on the father of Jesus in American religious renewal movements as well as in conspirancy theory up to now shows the long afterlife of this ancient discourse.


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